Celebrate Women’s History Month 2021!
Learn about the history of women’s right to vote!
Complete the Equali-Tea Patch Program
The suffrage (right to vote) movement was unique in that it was the first time; women across the nation became politically active on women’s right. These female activists, called Suffragettes protested their right to vote with protest marches, letters and articles in local papers, and were often arrested while participating in these activities.
Tea had traditionally been a way for women to socialize and organize. Suffragettes used tea parties as a way to educate others and plan protest activities. These teas began to be called Equali-Teas.
This patch program aligns with GSUSA’s Democracy badges at every level.
Earn It: Download the GSCCC Equali-Tea Patch Program. When you’re finished, purchase your patch Equali-Tea patch.
We want to hear from girls and troops! Take photos or videos as you earn this patch then send to media@girlscoutsccc.org. Remember to include your name, troop # or city. Then look for your activities to be highlighted on the GSCCC Facebook page!
Price $4.00
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