This Patch Program has been designed by our friends at JPL/NASA in Pasadena, California for Girl Scouts to learn about our amazing Planet Earth.
Most Girl Scouts know that JPL builds rovers and NASA sends astronauts into space. Did you know that NASA and JPL also keep an eye on our home planet, Earth? Understanding Earth from the viewpoint of space helps us to understand and connect to our changing world.
NASA monitors the vital signs of Earth from the perspective of space to help you understand the future of your planet, to help you connect to your changing world and to your global community.
In this Patch Program, we will be exploring the Earth’s Systems through temperature, climate and ocean systems using online platforms. Then you will be asked to Take Action in your own community to implement projects that bring these explorations home to your own backyard, here on Planet Earth!
Earn It: Download the JPL/Nasa Understanding Planet Earth Activity Guide
In addition, complete at your own pace. To purchase the patch, confirm your completion at JPL/Nasa Patch Program - Get My Patch
Price $4.00