Beach Comber Patch - Discover and Explore Your Habitat?
California’s coastline harbors some of the richest diversity in North America. Tide pools, coastal dune habitat, and beaches are heavily impacted by continual recreational use, development, contamination of the watersheds, and more. As stewards of our land, it’s up to us to help preserve them!
This patch program has been designed to educate the participants about exploring and discovering our local beaches and seashores to uncover some of the secrets of these unique and diverse habitats.
You will explore and investigate your local shoreline through printed materials found within this patch program. Learn the importance of preserving our fragile shorelines and identify the unique fauna of the tide pools.
Earn It: Download the GSCCC Beachcomber Patch and complete at your own pace. To purchase the patch, confirm your completion when you fill out this form