Kaleidoscope is a camporee for Junior through Ambassador Girl Scouts. It is a fun weekend of tent camping, skill challenges, workshops, SWAPS, songs, games, a cook-off, Saturday evening program, and an all-camp service project. This event is held every other year and attracts approximately 1,500 girls and adults. Meet sister Girl Scouts from all areas of our council!
WHO: Junior through Ambassador Girl Scout Troops, plus Event Volunteers
WHERE: Santa Barbara County
WHEN: Friday, April 29, through Sunday, May 1, 2022
$60.00 per girl/adult - Fee includes the K2022 event t-shirt, lanyard, patch, bandana, glow necklace, Skill Challenge achievement level patch (if earned), and Saturday evening all-camp dinner.
If K2022 is canceled by us, you will receive a full refund.
Opens: October 1, 2021
Closes: March 1, 2022 at 9:00 PM
Troops outside of GSCCC may begin to register December 1, 2021
For more information, download the Kaleidoscope 2022 Handbook
Links to important forms will be found at the bottom of your confirmation receipt from Doubleknot.