Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors, are you ready for a Monterey Bay Eco Tours Sea Otter Adventure?! Get set for a day of fun activities and an exciting cruise where you'll spot playful sea otters and other amazing wildlife. It's going to be an unforgettable adventure!
Note: All girls must have photo permission in order to participate in this program! Parents and/or a troop leader/adult will need to stay with the girls for the program in order to transport them to each activity. Carpooling is highly encouraged!
This program contains a portion with the Monterey Bay Eco Boat Tours
Fee: $60.00 for D/B/J - $60.00 Adult participating in program
Don't forget to use your program credits! During check-out, click on the yellow gift card with the red ribbon on it and enter your program credits!
Snacks are welcome to bring on board for the tour.
Programs are open to registered Girl Scouts. If you do not have a current membership, click here for more info. Adult membership information can be found here. Membership renewal information can be found through this link. If you have further questions, please contact Customer Care at info@girlscoutsccc.org or 800-822-2427.
Need help registering? ¿Necesita ayuda para registrarse? Doubleknot User Guide
Los programas están abiertos a las Girl Scouts registradas. Si tiene preguntas sobre la membrecía o necesita más información, comuníquese con nosotros por correo electrónico info@girlscoutsccc.org o llámenos al 800-822-2427.